partial repowering

improve your wind farm production

Beyond re-rotoring and recontrolling options to improve the wind farm production, a partial repowering campaign is also an option which is fitting many operator’s needs.

Drive train replacements, gearboxes, or even complete nacelle replacements rely on very accurate studies to address any structural risk on the long term, focusing on tower and foundations. Moreover these structural components must demonstrate a long lifespan to justify the investment, and may be also subject to selective reinforcements, plus a long term maintenance plan, site specific, fed with high quality predictive insights to deliver sound preventive actions.

The best suitable solutions for the turbine will be evaluated in order to make sure they are safe from technical perspective, in terms of:

  • Extreme Loads: ensuring that the solutions provided never exceed design loads (e.g. Vortex Generators increase maximum loads under gusts)
  • Blade deflections: ensuring there is no risk of blade impact to tower surface (e.g. with longer blades or with controller modifications for higher nominal power)
  • Fatigue Life Consumption: ensuring that new Life Expectancies with Power Upgrade solutions are inside Target for LCOE minimization (IRR Maximization)

Reinforced with state of the art engineering capacities:

  • FEM - Finite Element Modeling
  • FEA - Finite Element Analysis
  • Damage Tolerance Analysis:
    • Critical crack length (both elastic and plastic checks).
    • Crack Propagation Pattern.
    • Leading to the build-up of the risk evaluation criteria for cracks, determining, given a certain crack and its length, how this crack will propagate and when will it become critical.
  • Adaptation of Maintenance Protocols:
    • Specific inspections and test to be done.
    • Inspections Frequency.
  • Detail definition of the reinforcements