our vision

unlock the hidden potential of your wind farm

Every wind farm has a hidden potential that can be unlocked with independent technologies, with limited and controlled risk. In Nabla we call this redevelopment.

With a combination of our human intelligence, leading technologies, and dynamism, we anticipate to the innovation trends, and we offer top solutions for enabling the life extension and performance improvement of the wind farms.

achieve the optimal balance for your wind assets


Long-term control of the technical risk while optimising production with lowest uncertainties compliant with IEC61400-28 best practices.


Increase the value of your assets by minimizing your LCOE, through extended life, increased AEP, and lower OPEX.


Bankable methodology that allows debt restructurings, risk profile improvement towards insurers, investors, authorities, and due dilligences.

In order to keep fueling the energy transition and achieve the 2050 carbon neutrality goal by covering the total energy demand with renewable energies, the wind farm redevelopment and life extension actions become critical taking into account that a significant part of the existing fleet will reach the end of its operational lifetime in the next decade.

life extension and partial repowering of wind farms vs. full repowering

Injecting wind farm life extension and selective retrofits taking care of the existing installed capacity, to delay full repowering, is the solution to:

  • "Buy" 20 more years of optimized wind energy production for a 50% of full repowering CAPEX.
  • Avoid long permitting processes and environmental restrictions.
  • Exploit to the fullest the capacity of the actual asset and reinvest in new wind energy or renewables.
  • Contribute to the sustainable development of the economy by generating long-term jobs.
  • Achieve energy independence in Europe.