Nabla wind hub for Circular Economy
In nabla wind hub we continue to work towards sustainability. One of our main goals is to reach the highest levels of sustainability in our company, in every action and every decision, with the ambition of reducing our carbon footprint to zero in every step of our way.
Driven by this aspiration, we join the circular economy through our project of extending the life of wind turbines through predictive maintenance.
The Circular Economy's target is to minimise the use of non-renewable materials, maintaining the economic value of products for as long as possible, and minimising the generation of waste. In relation to this, the challenge of making the energy production process itself circular comes to the fore.
Our project consists on extending the life of wind power assets by formulating preventive actions to avoid future structural and operational risks, through 3 different actions:
- the independent creation of the physical model of the wind turbine (aeroelastic model),
- the modelling of wind conditions (by means of CFD - Computational fluid dynamics) and,
- the modelling of the operating conditions (post-processing SCADA and O&M track record).
By this, high precision load simulations are obtained for each component and wind turbine, and based on these results, a life extension plan is formulated, indicating over time the risks of structural and operational failure, and proposing preventive actions to mitigate such failures.
The life extension of wind assets becomes key to optimising O&M costs, reducing LCOE and, therefore, contributing to circular design with key knowledge.
Yesterday, together with Siemens Energy, we finished as finalists in the Enel Perú Circular Economy contest, within the Circular Design category for our project to extend the life of wind turbines through preventive maintenance.
With this initiative Enel Peru aims to promote innovation and implementation of Circular Economy projects by Enel Peru's suppliers, as well as to provide them with the necessary knowledge on existing models and circularity practices in the various stages of the supply chain, and the respective value generated.
Congratulations to Cobra Perú for the award, and all the participants for all the role modelling ideas!